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SEO – Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization aka "SEO" is the use of specific strategies and techniques within search engine guidelines to improve the search engine ranking position of web sites for specific search terms.

Generally speaking, the web sites with the highest ranking gets the most visitors!   Web sites with the highest quality of information, properly optimized for the search engine will eventually rise to the top 10 of generic search results for that search term or phrase. No tricks needed.

Search Engine Optimization Services

Why do I Need SEO?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is critical to the success of your website. The World Wide Web has trillions of indexed web pages. It is arguably the largest, most effective, and most competitive marketplace in the history of the world.  No one seems to know the exact size of the Internet. But according to various online sources, 89% of all persons with access looked to the Internet first to make purchase decisions. Since 87% of all Americans have Internet access it is extremely important that your site be found.

SEO Facts

Just about anything and everything can be and is sold online.  There are as many as 1 billion web sites on the web.  Google gets about 65% to $70% of all Internet searches. Bing gets about 18%. All the rest share the remaining searches. Interestingly,  75% of searchers never look past the first page of the rankings on Google. More people rely on natural searches than the paid ads. Thus a professionally developed and optimized web site is a must for every business that hopes to become successful today.

We Include Basic Search Engine Optimization in Every Site We Build

When Masscot Internet develops a web site, we build in basic search engine optimization components and techniques as a part of the process.  This means that we include an appropriate site wide SEO Title Tag, and Description Meta Tag.  We also may edit the text of the web site’s pages, inserting important keywords and phrases strategically throughout specific pages as necessary.  We then submit your site to the most important search engines including an xml site map to help the search engine locate all your relevant pages.

What if Basic SEO is Not Enough?

There is a saying that you can never do too much SEO. Often our Basic SEO is sufficient to land a web site on the top page of Google.  It really depends on the type business you are in, how much competition you have in your area, and your target audience.  The more competitive your market, the more you need a more comprehensive SEO solution.  For this reason we have created our service called SEO360.

Masscot’s SEO360 Search Engine Optimization Service is our most comprehensive approach to SEO we have ever offered.  Just as a compass has 360 degrees representing every possible direction, SEO 360 attempts to approach SEO for all directions, both on site and in an off site environment.

With SEO360, we monitor up to 360 search phrases that you select as being important for your web site and business.  We determine the number of searches that are being made for each term or phrase. We also determine your rank in Google for each search phrase, and see how you compare to the top ten ranking websites for your business.

From that starting point,  we continuously tweak your SEO weekly to improve your search engine rank for the most important terms.  We also submit you to up to 70 top review sites and directories and update obsolete listings, and correct any errors detected and connect your site to important social media sites like Facebook and Twitter among others.

The needs of every site are different, and we must first gather information about your site and where you rank right now to determine what your site needs.

When considering investing is SEO, it is important that you understand that there are tons of scam artists in the SEO business. The scam artists market mostly by SPAM and telemarketing phone calls. They usually make wild claims and promises to make you #1 in search engines overnight.  No one can honestly make such a promise!

Scam Artists use dubious techniques that attempt to trick the search engines into giving you a higher rank than you deserve.  Eventually, the search engines will detect that your site has spammed them and you will suddenly be banned and disappear and it is nearly impossible to get it back.  Don’t be a victim! Legitimate SEO requires time and effort using honest quality information, and only techniques approved by search engines. Learn more about SEO on Wikipedia.

The right domain name can have a profound effect on your SEO ranking. Learn more about domain names.